Monday, June 9, 2014

Longtime, no see!

Well, hi and hello! I've been missing my blog, and my mom tells me she's about to stop checking it, so I guess I needed to either end things or get moving. I've decided on the latter.

The little guy finished up preschool a few weeks ago, and sister is getting a mouthful of teeth. They just keep on growing, and we're looking forward to another fun summer of just hanging out together. Last summer we were very consistent on a weekly story time, so we're getting back into the groove of that one.

A special guest at our most recent story time visit.

I'm still attending Pure Barre, and I'm set to join the 250 club, probably in early July with all of the activities going on June. Oh yes, June. We've already taken one vacation, and coming up is youth camp and VBS back to back. For youth camp, I'm responsible for planning and executing one of the nightly activities--a thrift shop prom. It should be a ton of fun. I've been researching how to make balloon arches, so if you need one, I'll be your girl.

While I've been out, I've still been blogging on Fort Worth Moms Blog. My most recent post, Think Before You Tweet, was on what we post about our children online. If you're a blogger, instagrammer, Facebooker, or a mom who has a computer in 2014, you might enjoy it, and I'd love your feedback!

Thanks so much for reading my tiny slice of the Internet. I hope you have a great summer!

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