We're recovering from D-Now weekend over here, but I wanted to jump on the blog for (what I think is) an important Mama Monday. A lot of my local friends read on here (hi friends!), so I'd love to let you know about a little gem I discovered this weekend in our community.
My kids were packed off Friday evening at suppertime to grandparents for the weekend while Mr. G and I transported students around for the weekend. About 8 PM as things were really getting started in worship, my mom called to say that my oldest (who had been
fine two hours earlier) was crying that his ear hurt.
(I think he's had one ear infection in three years, and I can't even remember that one.)
By 10:30 she called me back to say that he needed his mommy. By 11:30, I was meeting my dad at a Whataburger in Midlothian, TX in the pitch dark. My little guy could not stop crying about his ear. I've never seen him like that before.
During one of our Cook Children's ER visits, I had spotted a little something called
Cook Children's Urgent Care, right across the street. A quick Google search revealed that they were open 24 hours a day, so we headed straight downtown for a middle of the night visit.

Image via Cook Children's Urgent Care site
Within 15 minutes of walking in the door, we were in triage. Within 20 minutes, we had seen an awesome pediatrician, and shortly after, we had some numbing ear drops and a popsicle, all while watching
Kung Fu Panda right in our exam room. My little guy showed night and day improvement in a matter of minutes once the drops were administered.
Before we left, they dispensed us the drops for pain. A tech stopped by with our dismissal packet that included the diagnosis, after care instructions, a dosing chart based on his weight for common OTC pain meds, list of 24 hour pharmacies in the area, a note in case I had to miss work, and the prescription to drop off.
I can't say enough good things about the efficiency of the facility, from the front desk to the exam room. What a blessing to know we have such a wonderful place to turn in the middle of the night when my kids just need some relief.
I'm so grateful for the wonderful care we have in our community here in Fort Worth. I thanked everyone we came in contact with for being open all night. Thank you again, Cook Children's!