Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Week 18

Not a whole lot of changes this week. Baby G is dancing around like crazy in my belly which makes for some of the funniest sensations. It's a constant reminder that there is a person growing inside of me, which is just miraculous. The baby is the size of a mango, but I'm not really sure how big that is, and I was too busy to go to the grocery store this weekend to check it out. (We'll be eating a lot of breakfast foods at our house for dinner this week. And Halloween candy.)

I'm still feeling great with occasional bouts of the blah, but that is to be expected I guess when your body is going through so many changes. I wake up multiple times a night and am about to start keeping a notepad on my nightstand so I can write down everything I think to add to my to-do list during those intervals. I have some major revelations about things I need to remember (especially regarding work) during those moments.

One big change that has seriously and officially happened is that my fall clothes do not fit. While this is a by-product of a blissful and wonderful event, outfitting oneself is not without expense, and clothes are required in my office (as I hope they are in yours.) Fortunately I have some wonderful friends who have walked this road before me and have blessed me with the great loan of their maternity clothes. It definitely takes a village.

Maternity clothes from Ashley, just waiting to be sorted!

We find out this week whether Baby G is a boy or a girl. I'm dying to know, so I hope he/she cooperates. Guess that means I'll be buying two wardrobes this week--one for me, and one for Baby G.

Sorry, B!

1 comment:

  1. So exciting...I can't wait to hear what y'all are having!


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