Thursday, October 8, 2009

On the Road

This trunk honked hullabaloo, caneck, caneck at me this morning. Almost as good as waking up to the Aggie band {every single morning} as they practiced at the end of my freshman dorm.


  1. I miss those days of waking up to the band!

  2. Dear Gentrys, I was so saddened to watch the total destruction of the Aggie football team last week. It was really emotionally charged in our home as we watched your team make mistake after countless mistake in letting the other team (you know...the dominating team) pretty much put on a butt-whoopin' in Texas. Oh, wish we were there! Maybe next year, we can be there to console Brad as again weeps like a little Aggie girl. WOO PIG!!!!!
    Jeff Williams


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